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Tag: Integrations

  • How to Add a Preview Section for Gated Content

    How to Add a Preview Section for Gated Content

    LoopPress is an excellent tool for artists and content creators to monetize their content using token gates. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through adding a preview section in the WordPress block editor. This preview is displayed only if the user hasn’t unlocked the token gate, giving potential buyers a sneak peek of the content…

  • WooCommerce Integration

    WooCommerce Integration

    This post will explain how to integrate LoopPress with WooCommerce to enable token gated products and coupons! Step 1: On the looppress settings dashboard page, check the box to enable WooCommerce integration. Step 2: For Token Gated Products, go to the edit product page and find the LoopPress tab to set the gating logic. For…